Erasmus Plus Project
La Salud Mental de la Mujer Tras el Abuso.

Actividades y metodología del proyecto
"Cuando todo el mundo está en silencio, incluso una sola voz se vuelve poderosa".
Malala Yousafzai, activista pakistaní.
El proyecto SILENCE se basa en un “Plan de Reparación, Recuperación y Resiliencia” que engloba seis prácticas. Tres prácticas descienden en cascada, incluidas las artes expresivas, el círculo de hermandad y el círculo de empatía (bajo el término general de dramaterapia). Tres prácticas transversales, incluida la actuación autobiográfica de danza y teatro, la guía para una vida mejor y un canal de contenido de hermandad administrado por las propias mujeres. Cada práctica tiene un propósito específico: romper el silencio y restaurar la normalidad, fomentar la empatía y educar para eliminar los comportamientos masculinos.

SILENCIO consta de dos fases:
La primera fase es una fase íntima y personal con el grupo objetivo a través de una residencia de cocreación artística en la que participan 10 mujeres jóvenes de entre 19 y 29 años. Este período de convivencia está diseñado para que las participantes exploren y compartan sus experiencias y recuerdos a través de la danza y la teatro, uniéndose a otras mujeres en el Sisterhood Circle y comprometiéndose con sus seres queridos, vecinos y profesionales en el Empathy Circle.
La segunda fase es comunitaria y social, donde se creará un espectáculo de danza-teatro autobiográfico, una Guía para una vida hermosa y un canal de contenido en línea. En esencia, la Dramaterapia (artes expresivas) se utilizará para procesar recuerdos y mejorar la recuperación de experiencias dolorosas, mientras que el Teatro Autobiográfico (representación teatral) promoverá una comprensión de la diversidad de género basada en el respeto y la igualdad.

Taller Internacional
El primer taller internacional se llevó a cabo en España para capacitar al personal en la metodología de proyectos y organizar las actividades de una manera más práctica, abordando las necesidades y los objetivos identificados del grupo objetivo. Estos objetivos se centraron en la "reparación, recuperación y reintegración" a la vida cotidiana de las niñas que habían sido víctimas de violencia, abuso y/o maltrato dominado por hombres, lo que resultó en la suspensión de sus vidas. Las actividades se llevaron a cabo del 24 al 27 de abril y fueron auspiciadas por la Mancomunidad

Expressive arts
Expressive arts seek to "break the SILENCE" The trauma retracts the body by an alert brain, activated for survival. The key is the autobiographical memory treated from the somatic. Withdrawal and SILENCE are nothing more than motor actions that close communication with external life for protection; a way to avoid suffering a similar painful experience, and that alters their daily life, making it impossible to return to their routines and social relationships. The vital thing is to help reduce anxiety and fear with activities of confidence and control of physical actions. This first activity aims to disconnect the control of the traumatic memory from the life of the participating girls so that it returns to being and behaving in a healthy way «take out». Being able to stage situations of withdrawal and terror that encapsulate their lives and show the way out of them, some girls to other girls through body expression, improvisation and fictional narrative, generates a powerful Sorority symbiosis that metabolizes the damage of abuse and fertilizes hope. Through dance and staging, we replace the brain's defense system activated in the body with fiction, "distancing to carefully treat the reality that hurts", turning the stage into a protective place. In parallel with the workshops, the project partners continue with the development of the Guide to a beautiful life. The material collected during the workshops will be used, to document what has been achieved. 3 newsletters will be developed to communicate the project activities. A first newsletter will be in month 5 to document what has been achieved in the first phase of the project and what is being achieved in the Expressive arts workshop

Sorority circle
Sorority circle is a good practice to work on the intimate, the personal and the relational with action models focused on coexistence and listening, "avoid loneliness to repair young girls", based on mutual support between them. "The alliance between the girls changes everything." Sorority circle is the second step towards reparation, recovery and resilience, a space where you can share your personal story with other girl victims who understand the background of the problems. A different story with shared memory and the same feeling among the girls. A look from respect and mutual care generates strong networks to change the situation in which they live. In the Sorority circle, we will use the results of the Expressive arts workshop and the results of the Sorority circle will be used for the Circle of empathy. Expressive arts Sorority circle in a continuous feedback loop to break the silenceand benefit the expression of the girls

Circle of Empathy
Circle of Empathy, these are meetings between the young who are victims of sexist abuse and who participate in the project with family members, gender perspective professionals, and interested parties. Verbalize not the traumatic episodes, but how difficult it is to detach them from autobiographical memory. Narrate a safe and understanding environment and how difficult it is to get out of SILENCE and withdraw and return to normality. The idea of returning to the circle is by ancestral and tribal drawing, where no one is excluded or exposed to an audience that watches you, but all the participants and their gazes are in the same position. The intent is to protect re-victimization. Circle of Empathy will begin when the participating girls who have worked in the Sorority Circle and in the Expressive Arts activity, have achieved bonds of sisterhood among themselves and achieved personal resilience "confidence and self-love", being prepared and protected to count your story to family, loved ones, and stakeholders. One circle of Empathy in Spain and another one in Italy.

Scenic Piece
The scenic piece, the dance-theater show will be created from and during activities Sorority Circle and Expressive Arts, since the fictional plot will be autobiographical based on the stories of the participating young girls. The Scenic Piece is the stage that allows us to dismantle prejudices, false beliefs, and stereotypes about reparation and return to the daily life of a victim of sexist violence through a fictional plot and some characters that embody it. These characters will allow us to stage invisible situations for a large part of the population and promote a better understanding of the emotional and psychological consequences of abuse. For this reason, The scenic piece is focused on the largest party involved, society. Art is a universal language, it excites us, inspires us -it moves us and moves us- no matter where we are. Art tells stories, makes us reflect alone and in the community, affects what we think about what surrounds us, awakens our judgment about others and even rethinks our beliefs, breaks myths and changes the perception of the world. Art is the fiction that puts you in front of your eyes, biographies far removed from your world, all that which would be impossible to see from reality, concentrated in a moment and in a space in an emotional and empathetic way, which makes it the incentive to make changes. The autobiographical dance theater starts from that premise; metaphorize the memory that hurts to distance suffering and achieve resilience