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"The theater is life. Life is concentrated in a small space and for a short period. Theater allows us to observe life through a microscope, and that's why it is so revealing. Reality, in general, appears diluted, and theater does just that: condenses it to observe it in greater detail."

Peter Brook

Violence against women is a health problem with consequences for mental health.

Acts of violence against women perpetrated by abusive men resonate like a deafening roar throughout the brain, disturbing and degrading the harmony with the surrounding environment. This malignant frequency distorts everyday life and takes hold of silence, preventing us from clearly hearing the voice of love.

Returning to continuity means recovering the routines of happiness, rediscovering dear ones who have been missed, and returning to passions, studies, and work challenges...

"For a beautiful life without pain, sadness, or fear."

The SILENCE PROJECT (Mental health after women's abuse), co-financed by the Erasmus Plus program and involving two organizations: SOLIS Srls from Modena (Italy) and the Mancomunitat De Municipis De La Vall D'albaida from Ontinyent, Valencia (Spain).

It has a duration of 12 months and involves the participation of 20 young women, aged between 18 and 29, who have been isolated from their youth and daily lives due to coercive control and physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated by abusive men. It is based on a plan of repair and restitution so that they can return to their previous lives, without the repercussions of machismo on their mental health.

It consists of five interconnected interventions:

1. "Expressive Arts", 2. "Sorority Circle", 3. "Empathy Circle", 4. "Theatrical Piece", and 5. "Guide for a Beautiful Life."

"Fiction has the power to touch us in sensitive chords far beyond a simple message."

By Domingo Ferrandis, Director of the autobiographical production "¡ORA PARLO IO!

KA210 Small-scale Partnerships Ref. 2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049549."

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