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The Transformative Power of Autobiographical Theatre to Challenge Gender Patterns and Stereotypes


Deconstructing Patriarchal Structures, Redesigning Coexistence Between Women and Men

Autobiographical Theatre emerges as a means to challenge ingrained conventions and stereotypes, dismantling the patriarchal structures deeply embedded in our societies, cultures, and religions. This hinders equitable interaction between men and women, creating barriers to a love free of oppression and true empathy. On stage, women are not just portrayed as victims or survivors; for the first time, they become protagonists who challenge power dynamics and foster essential dialogue. The theatre not only preserves the authenticity of their stories but also highlights and magnifies them.

"Violence has a reason, a reason we cannot allow to persist. And that reason is the power that some men believe they have to take everything, even my own body, against my will. Violence feeds on guilt, the guilt that is instilled in us by considering ourselves inferior to them, expendable, less capable, and less important. I was born a woman, and because of that, my entire life has been shaped to serve you, man, to ensure you a good life. But what about my own life?" 


The WHO Global identifies violence against girls and women as a serious public health problem worldwide. About 67.8% of victims of gender-based violence never discuss the repercussions of abuse, and we are not only referring to physical violence but also psychological. According to the Macro Survey of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, from a sample of 10,171 young women who have experienced abuse, 44.6% choose to remain silent, 26.6% feel fear, and 21% experience shame.

Gender violence is a public health problem, with profound consequences on mental health and represents a moral problem in the perception of man towards woman. The profile of the abuser is often that of a macho man who believes he has the right to control and possess the woman.

These aggressors follow their internal logic, ignoring any reasoning other than their own needs. They are individuals incapable of managing their conflicts with their masculine identity, with a distorted psychology that confuses masculinity with abuse, using insults, contempt, beatings, and sexual assaults that hide insecurity, cowardice, and selfishness. Superiority and frustration are two recurring elements in the profile of an abuser, who has internalized these patterns so much that he justifies and normalizes his behavior, conscious of his evil acts and shielded by patriarchy to evade guilt.




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