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Project Logo


Updated: Jun 14, 2023

By Domingo Ferrandis

The first image depicts a scratch of random lines that represent an analogy of the neural networks in the brain, an intricate network filled with nodes. With a bit of imagination, we can see the profile of the brain, with more intricate areas. The left side represents the areas of the prefrontal cortex involved in self-reflection, decision-making, behavior, among others, and the anterior cingulate cortex involved in attention and emotional regulation during experiences. The second cluster of nodes appears in the center, representing the areas of the brain in the reward system, involved in pleasure and motivation, such as the nucleus accumbens, striatum, hippocampus, among others, which serve as connectors between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. Finally, we see nodes and traces extending towards the nervous system, where we find the areas of the amygdala, which modulates emotional regulation and the response to fear, both experienced and remembered, and the cerebellum, which coordinates movements and communicates with other brain areas in emotional and cognitive responses. And then there is the nervous system that connects with the body, the heart, and the second brain, the gut.

The second drawing appears in the background with blurred colors due to the emotional consequences. It represents the chemistry of life, the chemical messengers that work in harmony to ensure precise communication between cells and associated regions. Each neurotransmitter has a specific function. For example, oxytocin is associated with love, empathy, and social connection, dopamine with motivation and pleasure, serotonin with mood and emotional regulation, and cortisol to cope with difficult or distressing situations, whether real or imagined.

The final logo is finally here. It depicts an image of an intricate network of emotions, thoughts, memories, and desires covering the face of a woman. It serves as an analogy to represent the invisible sufferings that exist only within our minds, generating noise and interference within our inner universe and life. However, we can overcome them with support, understanding, and affection.

The wavy and sinuous lines of the drawing suggest the emotional consequences of painful memories, but also the beauty and strength of the neural network and its resilient plasticity that allows for changing mental patterns. The cut-off word "SILENCE" suggests the importance of listening and giving voice to women who have been silenced




The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Immagine 2023-06-10 215146_edited.jpg


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